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  • How is the pricing determined for professional cleaning with Fresca Clean?
    For regularly scheduled appointments, we tailor the appointments to meet (and hopefully exceed) your needs with quality attention, so depending on what those needs are, we factor everything into one price point,
  • Are the cleaning products used by Fresca Clean safe for animals?
    Some are, some aren’t, depending on what we have been asked to clean.
  • Are Fresca Clean team professionals insured for added security and confidence?
    Yes, we have a few different types of insurance that allows us to work with an added edge of security. For example, our employees are covered under WorkSafe BC and EI, as well as business insurance that protects damages to homes and “3rd Party Liability” coverage (which protects incidents related to “another person” being in our space).
  • Does Fresca Clean offer any guarantees with its cleaning services?
    Yes, we offer a 24 hour window of correcting (if, any) deficiencies or concerns that need to be addressed. Please contact us right away to help us understand how we could be doing better, and to return to polish up anything needing improvement. Call us for more immediate attention to anything.
  • How reliable is Fresca Clean’s service? 
    100% When you book an appointment with Fresca Clean, we WILL show up. Unless there is snow, ice, earthquake, Huge Traffic ACCIDENT closing our path to you, which we would absolutely communicate and reschedule, we will be there.
  • What makes Fresca Clean different?
    So many reasons! We are committed to excellence, honesty, transparency, punctuality, fair treatment of ourselves, others and the environment, and, proudly, our cleaners are insured and internationally certified in the industry.
  • Can I specify areas or items I want to focus on during cleaning?
    Yes, of course. Ahead of time, please write us an email with the specific notes at
  • Can I request the same cleaning team for each visit to my home or business?
    Good question. We all prefer that the same people attend to things. But, when it is not possible, we aim to send at least one person in the cleaning team who knows your space. If (because of a changing schedule) a different team is sent, they will be debriefed and follow up with about the appointment via your regular cleaning team of professionals.
  • Where can I schedule a professional cleaning service with Fresca Clean?
    By email, By phone, 778.688.4747 By text, 778.688.4747 Online (click here to book) * Online booking works only once you have made your first appointment
  • What is the preferred billing method for Fresca Clean services?
    We accept VISA, Mastercard, and AMEX, which are required for booking purposes. If you choose to pay with cash or by transfer, you can. (Cash? prepare an envelope with the amount inside, with the name Fresca Clean written on the outside. Transfers? Please send the amount to, and in both cases, we will process the receipt and send it to you by email).
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